Thursday 29 November 2012

Coin Centrifuge

During yesterday after morning tea we started to make our toys. We began getting all our toy material together. Then we got all the instructions ready on our netbook to be copied.

Then we started. All of us were making them from the website called(Toy From Trash). Some people had an easy toy to make. They finish like about in 2 and a half minutes.

When they finish I was still on mine. But then I started again and did my best. Then I completed it. Then I tried it out and it was perfect.

Then I saw my friends decorating it so I did too. It was so cool. But the best thing was that you had to pay for nothing you can just make it yourself. It was so fun and it was a awesome experiment.

:The link to the website of Toys from Trash

: The link to the instructions

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